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Let the heart do the thinking.

It has a profound mind of it's own. 



ABOUT Brandie

I am a certified HeartMath™ trainer, and I have the knowledge and tools to guide you on your journey toward positive change in your life. I love speaking about the concept of 'Choices,' and I've had the privilege of presenting on this topic across Canada.


In my work, I delve into the realm of self-awareness and action, stress management, and helping you understand the necessary steps to achieve a higher quality of life. I firmly believe that creating a positive impact on the world starts with ourselves and the decisions we make.


I emphasize the power of coherency to bring a sense of connection into your life, resulting in a deep sense of personal fulfillment. My focus is on personal growth and development, and I am excited to now offer my teachings through tools and workshops that will benefit your growth or reset. 


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The Resilience Advantage™

Is your battery running on empty?

Do you want to have more energy during the day?

Do you struggle with the effects of stress, fear, or challenge?


Discover the Resilience Advantage™, a HeartMath™ certified course meticulously crafted to enhance your ability to make well-informed decisions. By honing the art of harnessing your daily thoughts and instinctive responses in both personal and professional spheres, you can elevate your existence to its utmost potential. Begin a transformative journey towards self-awareness, mastering the art of emotional regulation.


Embracing HeartMath's guiding principle, 'We see the world through how we feel,' let's embark on a path to a more gratifying life.


Dive into this comprehensive course, delving into the intricate science of stress and its detrimental impacts on both our physical and mental well-being. Empower yourself with proven methodologies and practical strategies to effectively counter and manage stress across all facets of life. This undertaking will empower you with heightened focus, mental clarity, and an elevated level of performance, ultimately paving the way for a life lived to the fullest.

Building a Tantric Life

When the term Tantra is mentioned, the immediate association is often with sexuality. However, it's important to clarify that at its core, Tantra is not primarily focused on sex. Rather, Tantra emphasizes connection – connection with oneself, energy, and breath. It centers around being fully present in the moment, discovering beauty and excitement in every experience. So, how did Tantra come to be associated with its sexual aspects?


The answer lies in the profound intimacy one can achieve with oneself through breath and energy. This depth of self-connection opens the door to an enhanced understanding of one's own sensations and desires. It also paves the way for meaningful connections with others. In this context, sexual intimacy becomes just one facet of a larger, more comprehensive connection.


Now, let's delve into the topic of sexual experiences.


Whether engaging in self-pleasure or sharing intimacy with a partner, many seek those intensely powerful, mind-blowing orgasms. Tantra offers insights and techniques that can facilitate achieving this level of satisfaction. It can also help rekindle connections within relationships. For women facing challenges with achieving orgasm or men dealing with issues related to erections, Tantra provides potential solutions. It's worth noting that both of these concerns are quite common and can be addressed effectively.


Sexuality often carries societal stigmas and shame. Individuals might have grown up feeling ashamed of masturbation or any form of sexual activity. Even the word 'sex' tends to be spoken in hushed tones. Drawing from ancient Tantra teachings, modern HeartMath principles, and the insights from The Science of Being Happy, I have developed a Tantric course aimed at helping individuals overcome these barriers and attain deep connections and fulfilling sexual experiences. This course is beneficial for both singles and those in relationships.


Let's embark on a journey to genuine connection!

The Choices behind achieving your Goals~
A Sure Fire Way To Success

"Everything comes down to a choice."

All aspects of life boil down to choices—our emotions, reactions, achievements, words spoken or unspoken, actions taken or avoided—all conscious decisions! We often aim for change, success, or self-improvement, initiating efforts but losing momentum, ultimately missing the mark.


I aspire to guide you in embracing desired choices and staying committed. By cultivating positive habits, we can effectively manage and regulate overwhelming emotions. Knowledge empowers, especially self-awareness. Let's dive into the biological and neurological roots of the challenge of change, facilitating transformative inner shifts. By making daily small strides aligned with your goals, you'll forge significant progress over time.


Start achieving the goals you are setting for yourself



Group Retreats and Development

This program will be tailored to the specific needs of your group or organization.  Accommodating all types of learning environments, small classrooms, boardrooms, or retreat settings with 8 to 25 people, or on a larger scale, 100 - 500+ people in a hall, auditorium or retreats can be created. 


This program or retreat is extremely diverse benefiting all levels of corporate structure, group dynamics, and team building. This program would incorporate aspects of group work, individual growth, individual and group awareness, team work, stress relief tools, and achievement strategies.   


Contact me to find out more on how to get your group or team in a working session or retreat. 

Stress Management for Youths

When we think of stress we often relate to it as an issue or problem that comes about amongst adults.  It is considered an adult term and issue when encountered due to work or personal conflict. But what about our children? Can they get stressed? The answer is yes and they will need to manage it much like we do.


In the very fast paced world we live in, our kids are exposed to so much more everyday and whether we accept it or not, they can also become stressed by life and their own situations. Feelings of anxiety, guilt, belonging, accomplishment, and many more infiltrate their lives and stress can become quite evident in their interactions and learning. The ability to now give our children the tools to handle these emotions can be found in my course Stress Management for Youth.


This course deals with stress and children (12yrs to 18yrs).


"I have struggled with stress in my workplace and felt I was bringing it home to my family. With Brandie's teachings, I no longer feel I can't handle stress and can already see the difference in my interaction with my family and co-workers."

David S.  

Sale Representative


Your next step is right here. Reach out and lets connect. Stress happens in all aspects of life. The way we handle it can impact our relationships, health and overall well being. If  you feel that you could benefit from this training and/or your workplace or group would benefit from this education, reach out. It is the first step to a better way of living.  


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I look forward to hearing from you.  





Thanks for reaching out. I'll be in touch soon.

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